When it comes to choosing the best premium-quality, high-protein food for your Redclaw Crayfish or Macrobrachium Rosenbergii Prawn, nutritional needs should be the primary concern. We have the highest quality Redclaw Crayfish and Prawn pellet food available in 1-pound, 5-pound or 10-pound sizes perfect for home farmers and aquaponics enthusiasts. Each package is identical in terms of nutrition and only varies in terms of the quantity you would like to order. You can choose the quantity you need from the drop-down menu on this page. If you need a larger quantity, we can accommodate that as well; please contact us for special orders.
Crayfish & Prawn Pellet Food
* Sinking Diet
* Pellet
* 16% Protein, 4% Calcium, .35% Fat
(Pictured here, 1 lb. and 5 lb. sizes)
For Best Results
When ordering Redclaw Crayfish or Freshwater Prawns for your aquaponics or aquaculture program, we recommend that you keep them on the same food they are already accustomed to as this will smooth your transition.
In the wild, Redclaw Crayfish and Freshwater Prawns eat many different foods, and as a result they naturally maintain a balanced diet that contributes to good health. When tank raising these animals, offering a varied and balanced diet will ensure proper growth and support their immune systems. Adding our high-quality feed – in addition to their natural food – will ultimately save you money as it provides the desired growth and color while sustaining the overall health of the Crayfish or Prawn. Studies have shown that, when fed natural foods combined with a high-quality protein supplement like our pellets, the final weight is over twice that of those fed either food alone.
Natural Food for Crayfish:
*Decaying/Living Plant and Animal Matter
*Carrot Shavings
*Insect Larvae
Natural Food for Freshwater Prawns:
*Decaying/Living Plant and Animal Matter
*Blanched Leafy Vegetables